• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®)

    What is the MBTI® Assessment

    The MBTI questionnaire is a highly insightful personality framework that helps individuals explore their preferences for how they interact with others and how they see the world.

    The MBTI enables an individual to consider their preferred style of communicating and working and how this affects themselves and those they work with.

    The MBTI personality assessment also helps to identify how similar or different individuals are to each other, and enables improved working relationships in a positive and constructive way.

    Where did it come from?

    The MBTI is based on Carl Jung's theory of psychological type where he identified 4 dichotomies of Extraversion/ Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling. The assessment tool was developed by mother and daughter team Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs.

    So what does it measure?

    The MBTI® measures levels of preferences in four distinct areas and provides feedback to individuals on whether they prefer to:

    Experience life and gain energy from the external world or their internal world

    Gather information in an organised and structured way or in a more conceptual way

    Make decisions based on facts or on feelings

    Live in a planned orderly style, or in a more spontaneous style

    Where is MBTI® used?

    The MBTI® assessment tool is used to support the development of an individuals self awareness.

    Its practical value provides increased understanding and self-understanding as well as an appreciation of other people’s styles.

    Possible uses include to support

    Development of teams and individuals, improving communication and resolving conflict, identification of leadership style, exploration of problem solving and learning styles, understanding of reactions to change and also to stress, career discussion and development.

    How long does the MBTI® take to complete?

    The MBTI questionnaire takes about 30 minutes to complete online.

    In addition to the questionnaire an approximately 1 hr feedback session with a qualified practitioner trained in the interpretation of the MBTI® is required to understand the report.

    How much does it cost

    An MBTI Type I assessment plus debrief by Al $190SGD

    An MBTI Type I and Type II assessment plus debrief by Al $225

    See our workshops where we explore how MBTI type influences how you act and react at work and at home


  • TMP Team Management Profile

    What is the TMP Assessment

    The team management profile (TMP) is a psychometric profiling tool for personal, team and leadership development that delivers a framework to build high performing organisations

    The TMP is about learning, not assessment. The profile can be used throughout organisations to improve performance and achieve better business outcomes.

    The profile provides a common language and framework for individuals, teams and organisations to recognise their strengths in the workplace, enabling positive, lasting change.

    Where did it come from?

    Drs Charles Magerison and Dick McCann adapted the 4 dichotomies from Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type to identify dynamic and situational work preferences in teams across 4 scales, Relate, Information, Decisions and Organise. The scales look at individual preferences solely at work.

    So what does it measure?

    The team management profile helps teams - or groups of work colleagues discover personal work preferences and how these link to performance and motivation.

    The preferences people have for different types of work and how this impacts on both individual and team performance.

    The importance of managing the diversity of work preferences there may be, when working with existing teams. Specifically, to build a high performing team a balance of members expressing all of the piece of the pie around the wheel is desired.

    If pieces are missing in the team profile work outcomes are at risk so the tool helps identify the areas the team will need to pay close attention to in order to deliver the desired work outcomes.

    Where is TMP used?

    The TMP Profile is used in team situations to discover and explore the dynamics between individual members

    How long does it take to complete


    What is DISC ADVANCED®

    DISC ADVANCED® profiles, measures both the subconscious or ‘natural style’ and the conscious or ‘adjusted style’. This tells us both the preferred and therefore normal behaviour plus the adjusted behaviour brought about by reaction to the current environment. The tool can indicate the influence of the present environment on a person’s motivation.

    DISC ADVANCED® profiles provide Action Plans relating specifically to the person’s behavioural style. The profile can indicate if the person is comfortable with their environment, if they are being stretched too far or conversely perhaps feeling restricted.

    Where did it come from?

    DISC ADVANCED® builds on the work of Carl Jung who described psychological type by colour (red, yellow, green and blue). William Moulton-Marston named the colours DISC and developed the 4 quadrant model. Further development identified the stress responses to produce the model in use today

    So what does it measure?

    The model is a tool for analysing behaviour in response to stimuli in work situations- not personality. The model does not measure intelligence, knowledge or skills. the tool can identify natural styles and the alternative stress styles when the individual is under pressure.

    The tool can provide information on, motivators at work, predispositions at work, i.e. attributes describing the individual, how others perceive the individual and development areas to work on.

    Where is DISC ADVANCED® used

    The tools can be used in many work situations and as a recruitment selection tool or as a powerful development tool. Other uses of the tool are as a pairs analysis to discover how two people complement one another, or as a team tool to show team dynamics and how individuals adjust their style to work together

    How long does it take to complete?

    The tool questionnaire should take around 10-15 minutes to complete. recording the responses and debriefing will take a further 30-45 minutes